Monday, May 7, 2012

Hot girl with snow pear pair of cow's milk

In China, the hot girl more beautiful appearance, netizens around the world known for its portrayal of the characters in the game.

And the polishes Daimi names with "breast milk".

No ambassador for online gaming, cosplay photography is not the path to help hundreds of young women became famous around the world, Daimi, a girl born in Guangdong is known after agreeing to model for the advertising of a company that sells milk sexy style.

Sometimes breasts stretch of Daimi round in a bikini is stimulated more by the pure stream of fresh milk. And according to reports late 2009, thanks to screen sexy ad such, sales of dairy companies has almost doubled, the result is beyond imagination.

Not only is it successful dairy companies, Daimi also earn lot of money from the ads. Cute face with hot pair of snow pear, Daimi more favor in the bikini collection.

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